It is at your company’s policy discretion if the employee’s employment is to be terminated or employee can be enrolled in a return-to-duty program. Once a positive drug or alcohol test has been resulted, these are the steps for the employee to return back to DOT safety sensitive position.
A) Remove employee from safety sensitive position and from random pool selection process
B) Provide employee with a list of qualified SAP’s:
C) Terminate, suspend or reassign employee
D) Employee contacts substance abuse professional (SAP) for enrollment of employee in a substance abuse program
E) SAP does initial evaluation, treatment plan and follow-up evaluation – all confidential, TPA does not archive
F) If returning to duty – a return to duty negative test must be on file
G) Follow-up testing as prescribed by SAP is implemented
H) Employer selects random unannounced test requirements, but it is not a random test. There is a minimum number of tests required but SAP can require additional for up to five years.
I) Typically on Return to Duty and Follow-up testing, both drug and alcohol test is performed but not required – the SAP might require it.